Tired and Unwell

Sorry for the lack of updates, I have not been running for three days, because Sunday was my off day, Monday I went back onshore for a day return trip, to attend a meeting and by the time I got back offshore again, I was super knackered, Tuesday from morning till late night, I was not feeling well, I felt feverish.  I suppose I was exposed to the rain the night before, thus why I got sick.  But I'm almost okay now.

So what have I been up to?  Sunday was a breeze, and it seems like a distant memory already to me.  Monday, I woke up early to catch a flight back onshore.  I got the second flight out.  And I felt like a VIP.  First of all, I didn't need to bring anything, no bags, so I brought myself with my notepad ready in my pocket.  Then, the only passenger on that chopper, was... me!  

When I arrived at Anduki Airport, I knew some guys who were about the get on board the next flight.  They told me that I'm given such special treatment!  Well, I suppose I was lucky.  Attended meeting at HQ and as meeting goes, boring as hell, why?  Because it has almost nothing to do with me.  But fortunately, the organiser who I have some dislike with, asked me for a more relevant meeting with him in the afternoon,  instead of having lunch, I ran my errands and what-not, and came back to HQ to attend the meeting, my flight back offshore was 1530 hrs, so when it was time, I called up my 'brother' Sulaiman to send me back, stopping by at the post office to pick up a parcel.  The shirts that I ordered online, out of impulse buying arrived, and I had to pick them up, as they are nearly overdue, and the post office will send them back.  So I need to pick them up regardless.  But I made it on time, for my flight.   They were just about 7 person on this flight.  And before I knew it, I was back offshore...

Yesterday, I woke up feverish, they were many things so the so-called-office was buzzing with activity.  I didn't wake up, but twice to answer phone calls from our onshore support.  My head felt heavy and my temperature rose.  I took some aspirin and went back to bed.  I woke up at 2p.m.  because I was hungry as hell.  So showered, took some more aspirin and did the usual reporting routine and at 5p.m., meeting as usual.  Took some food and told them to keep it for me, as I was not hungry yet.  At 8p.m. I finally had dinner and retire to bed, taking some aspirin before hand.  

I'm going back onshore this weekend.  I'm not looking forward it, not because I didn't want to go onshore, but I know my onshore time is limited and by the time I knew it, it will be time for me to go back offshore again.  I suppose I already anticipated the time to go back offshore.  But it will be worthed.  Because my return will be a celebratory return.  My best friend's birthday!  So until then, I'm going to lay my head for a little bit, my head feels heavy still, but at least I'm not feverish...

Until then, take care, be safe and Adios!


Redz said…
No wonder u were MIA in MSN. Hope u r feeling better now. See you soon.
Anonymous said…
Get well soon... It's nice to read your blog... nice rambling!!

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