Just another working day

Before I start ranting with my itinerary of my life.  I just realise about an hour ago, I haven't made a big announcement about something really important in my life.

My youngest sister gave birth to a healthy baby girl on the afternoon of Thursday, 12th June.  I was happy to hear that news.  I'm not as excited as this is my 15th grand daughter to my parents.  I have many nieces and nephews.  My eldest brother has six kids, my second brother have four, my little sister after me has one and my youngest now have four.  So 15 altogether.  Yes, all my siblings are married except for me.  I don't know, I'm not ready for marriage yet.  I always thought of myself, free spirited.  But anyway, I'm happy that my family is expanding.  I also met my mum, there were some awkwardness.  But my sister was happy to see me.  I think she didn't think that I would visit her.  She thanked me on my out.  When I was about to leave I 'salam' (shook hands with both hands and kiss her hand: A malay traditional culture of respect to the elders), and she was quite shock.  All this while I knew my family thought I was angry at them, well, I was, but now, I don't even care, honestly.  It's up to them to live their own life.  And keep me out of their problems, and that is fine with me.

The latest addition to the family.  My sister and mum on the background.

Fahmi, the eldest, he is such a poser...

So usually I got to name my youngest sister, so it comes down to Falisha, Fareeza and Farzana?  Which one do you think I should go for?  Please comment.  (I think by now they have chosen her name, but I wanted to know what do you think?) 

Post Edit:  My new niece is named Siti Nurfalisha.

So today, nothing much, it is work as usual, on a Saturday even. Things are going quite well.  Although I'm a little frustrated, I've got many things planned out this weekend.  But I'm stuck here.  Oh well, cest la vie...  Until then...  Adios!


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