Unexpected the Expected Suprise

A few post ago I wrote that I might be staying offshore sometime this month... Well, tomorrow I will. Sigh! Thus, the frequency of updating my blog would be a little less from now until Tuesday. Will update if I can find access to the internet

This morning, as I was about to shower, I can feel a mild migraine, I contemplated on eating the migraleve and went back to bed. But I know it will make me drowsy so I took ibuprofen instead and laid back down, I didn't go to sleep, well it was more of a nap. About an hour later, I woke up because I don't want my colleagues and bosses to think that I am slacking off. The migraine was there still, and was very mild, so I just took my sweetest time to get ready.

When I arrived the office, I was told that I am going offshore and be staying there for a week. I told my boss that I am going for office leave on Wednesday. So I will be offshore until Tuesday. The office leave is to cater two things, one to take care of my housemates' cats. Thus by securing a leave, the chances of me offshore is minimised. As for the second reason, is for my house preparation. I have a lot of things to do with my future house, meeting with the contractors and lawyers and also bankers. Building a house is not an easy thing to do. In fact, most of my friends who have built their houses told me that the stress peak has yet to come. I'm not looking forward for the stress, but as everything goes, I've got to lose some to gain some. Hey, all I'm losing here is just my sanity, but what I gain will be much worth for, which is a peace of mind.

I am having a huge migraine at the moment. So I'll leave you to that. Until then... Adios!


Anonymous said…
Wow talk about planning the future. Yeah the stress is just part of it but it pays off the moment you see the house. I can relate, I've bought mine too. The only difference is that, I bought "ready to occupy" house. Payment through bank but will end paying this December. :)
Anonymous said…
And the thought of ending payment by December... that has got to be a relief! I envy you. It is finally yours and no one can take that away from you.

As I am only starting out, I suppose I'm still green in this. I wanted to get a "ready to live in" house, but greed got the better of me. But I suppose I'm going to do this once in my life time, so I thought I better get something that I really want. So I'm way to late for a house warming now eh? - he he
Anonymous said…
The good thing about buying ' ready to live' house is that(at least in my own case)though I am paying every month, its like I dont pay at all since I asked somebody to stay there first as rental.

Yeah its a relief thinking its gonna be mine finally.

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