Fastest Run

Today, after not running for three nights, I had my fastest run.

10+kms in 72 minutes.

I feel a little tired, then again I suppose it was because I missed my lunch today.  I'm getting better at it.  I think, my stamina is back on track, but I haven't been losing weight.  I think I'm gaining muscles as I notice my thighs are a little firmer and smaller.

Nothing much on my end, just work as usual, meeting as usual and everything seems okie dokie.  My team got an praised by the FD (Finance Director) yesterday, for being efficient and very productive.  I wasn't there to get the praise (not that I seeking for one), because I thought it was an operation meeting and I wasn't supposed to be there.  It is kindda cool to get management appraisal like that.  I worked relatively hard for this.  This team, this project is my baby, I haven't got much else to count on.  After being accused of being lazy and slacking off from the first part of the year, I suppose this is my time to redeem myself.  I'm thinking of transferring offshore permanently.  But my bosses hasn't got any word of interest from my part.  I am aware now how to execute my project realistically.  I hope my fellow colleagues will have the opportunity to sit where I am and learn how to execute project much more smoothly.  

I have greater appreciation of my career now.  I should have established my career long long time ago, I suppose when it comes to career-wise, I am a late bloomer.  Tracking back to the past, now I got a clear view of executing projects, I started off as a design engineer, moved shortly to maintenance onshore, then as a project engineer and then as a planner engineer and now, I'm a site representer for the company and learning new things on the job.  I suppose, experience counts, I am the type of guy who gets bored easily with routine job.  Once I master them, there's no surprising me anymore, then, I suppose, I slack off a little.  The job becomes less interesting and monotonous.

At the moment, I am strategising on improving myself.  My migraine is getting a little bearable, only kicking in once a while.  I think, my running helps reducing the migraine attacks and I remembered something Redz told me, that migraine may be induced by depression.  And I think he maybe right.  My migraine started to kick off when I was at my lowest self-esteem.  And now, I feel proud of myself and I feel good.  It maybe because of my run, or not.  But right now, things are going pretty well as far as I can think of.

Ramadhan is only a month away, I am thinking how can I run during the fasting season.  I'm a little weary.  Then again, I've done this before, in 2006, the Brunei Marathon was a month after Ramadhan.  And to think about it even more, it was quite difficult during the festive season of Eid (Hari Raya AidilFitri), because I had to turn down many many delicious delicacies during that one month.  However, I am thinking, if I can do this before, I can do it again.  Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.  

Anyway, I am feeling a little tired.  Besides, I am going to read a book that Redz borrowed to me.  It was a gift from his best friend, El, he never came round to finish it, so he borrowed it to me, instead of buying DVDs to keep me company, at night.  So far so good.  The book is entitled "A New Earth - Awakening to your life's purpose" by Eckhart Tolle.  So far it's an interesting read.  This book was in Oprah's Book Club, so I suppose if it good enough by Oprah, it's good enough for me.  I'll write down and excerpt of what it says at the back of the book...

"With his bestselling spiritual guide The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle inspired millions of readers to discover the freedom and joy of a life lived "in the now."  In A New Earth, Tolle expands on these powerful ideas to show how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.  Tolle describes how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealousy and unhappiness, and show readers how to awaken to a new state of consciousness and follow the path to a truly fulfilling existence"

So anyway, enough ranting, I'm going to read Redz's book and finally end my day with a good sleep, until then, take care, be safe and Adios!


@xiM said…
speaking of which,are you strictly on diet??
Anonymous said…
Not on diet, but on training... Am joining the 21km half marathon in KK this October.. Tapi diet jugak la hehehe...

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