
I'm onshore today.  Only for a day.  Tomorrow I'm going for a workshop as requested by my boss.  Its no relaxation for me at the moment.  It's all for work.  Not looking forward it, but hey, it's work.  Plus I got to go back onshore, so that's a bonus.

Yesterday I did my usual run.  It was an easy run, I suppose the not running the day before helped my body heal.  But at first it was quite an effort, but 20 mins into the run, I was fine.  My heart beat also slows down a little, even calories burn was not as were before.  I suppose I have gained some fitness.  And also, it was my fastest run so far, 10 kms in 75 minutes.

So I woke up relatively late, because I suppose I was a little winding down from work.  And my shift supervisor also my roommate told me to take it easy.  I woke up, had my shower, coffee and ciggy, and started packing my stuff.  I went to the administrator to check my flight.   And he told me soon, so I packed again, and by 4 p.m I was already onshore.  Redz took the time to pick me up, visited my 'brother' Sulaiman, to pick up my toiletries that I left there before I went offshore, went to my uncle's to pass the main motorbike keys to the new owner and finally left KB.  Reached home, showered and unpacked.  Went to Redz's place to pick him up for dinner.  It was raining, now I know how much it rains onshore.  It was pretty dry offshore, only the occasional drizzle every now and again.  

I ran few errands, I needed supplements for my run.  The latest besides taking Glucosamine is Celadrine.  Joint with Glucosamine to preserve and repair your joints.  As a runner, taking good care of your knees and feet is important.  I used to take Glucosamine and it made a huge difference.  Even to my mom.  When I stayed with my parents at that time, she complained a lot of her knees hurting.  So I offered her some Glucosamine for a week and she said, the pain were not there, and if there was, it comes and go.  So I gave her the rest of the bottle.  The knees get a lot of wear and tear so it needs proper maintenance, so to speak.  I also bought a bottle of ephedra free fat burners.  I need to lose about 10kgs in time for my run.  And I don't want to lose muscle, so I needed that.

But as all supplements go, if you don't exercise, it won't give you results.  Supplements should always go hand in hand with a really good exercise regime.  Otherwise, you'll just be wasting your money.  So anyway, after that, we wanted to go to the Abacus Fair that was held in the Mall, too bad, we were too late.  So we just came back home, but stopping by to buy some groceries for my good friend Redz.  Stayed there a while and went home.  Nothing much so far.  And tomorrow will be a long day.  Lots of errands to run and also workshop to attend to.  It's going to be busy busy busy....  Tuesday, I'm back to my carefree life offshore.  I'm kind of tired now.  Watched a funny comedy movie with my housemates just now.  It's hilarious.  I'll talk about that some other time.  So until then, take care, be safe and Adios!


@xiM said…
i think about some other thongs when you mention about 'QUICKIE....'hehehe

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