Running High...

After a day's rest, I ran again today.  Some improvement.  72 minutes, 10.2 kms, 1375 kcal 15% fat.

But it was really tiring.  My breathing is all over the place.  My running technique gone.  My left foot hurts.  But almost 40 mins of my run, my breathing came to sync again.  So it was okay, again.  I was a little pissed that someone turned the exhaust fan off.  The airconditioning off too, just two doors open and it was freaking hot.  But I manage to persevere.  And just kept on running.

So at the moment, I'm on endorphin high.  I love running...  I especially love running outdoors, since I don't have much choice, the treadmill will do for now.  I'm starting to feel my body aching, but at the same time I feel good.  I've seen some improvement in my body, I think I have might lost a kilo or two.  

So anyway, I bet you guys are enjoying your weekend.  Well, actually like I have mention in my previous post, the days of the week means nothing to us.  It's work as usual.  So until then, dear readers, take care, live happy and Adios.


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