Such a Whimp!

I'm such a sissy.  

Last night, I watched Walk to Remember starring Mandy Moore and Shane West.  I cried watching it.  I know it's a chic flick and all but I heard from friends, that the movie is really good.  And coincidentally, my senior inspector who left today back to Jakarta, told me it was a good movie and recommended it to me.  He had a copy of the movie in his hard drive and passed it to me to let my time pass at night.  So I was wondering what the fuss is all about and downloaded them to my Mac.  And damn...  Tears just flow...

Sometimes, sex doesn't necessarily sell.  This is one movie that I saw, that has no erotism. Only  a fantastic display of love.  The pure love that it is.  It is so heart warming that it could melt the toughest roughest guy to tears.  I'm sure.

The pure love displayed of a person and how it changes a person and their future is so inspiring.  The ability to touch someone's life and soul with the pure love that exist is such a wonder.  I'm not even sure what I am trying to say here but it is a movie worth the watch with your loved ones.  

It is the typical story of a bad boy meets good girl.  Bad boy falls in love with good girl.  And the life of the bad boy changes.  His future changes, his life turned around.  But there's a catch...  But I can't tell you, that, you'll have to find out for yourself.

But anyway, love all you can, take care, and Adios...


Redz said…
"Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I'll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can't see it, but I can feel it. "~Landon (A walk to Remember)

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