What Sunday?

When work resume during weekends, the days of the week does not mean anything to many of us here.

Days just seems the same, weekdays or weekends, makes no difference, the only thing that they care is just that, a day over is a day closer for them to come back home to their families and friends.  Days are more of a count down than anything else to us.

I didn't even realise that today is a Sunday.  I suppose I do, at the back of my mind, as Sunday is the day of the week that we do fire drills and is usually the HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) Info Sharing in the morning.  But Sunday means nothing to us.  It's work and we continue the day just like any other day.  It is fun being here.  No two days are the same.  Every day is a different story, everyday has a different problem.  Everything has it's different level of stress.

Speaking of stress, I was a little stressed out last night when I had to meet to one of the bosses at 10 p.m because we need his decision to drop people off the chopper list (note: list, not drop off from chopper!)  In the end, 5 persons have to be dropped off the list just to accomodate 2 guys required to do my job.  I had to disturb at least 4 people to get what I want, and luckily they are really helpful to do what I asked from them.  It is really stressful.  The guilt was really bad, that I had to make them work for a hour or so.  But they understood my position thus there were glad to lend me a hand.

I wish I could stop writing about work, but there's nothing much I can write about, I wanted to write about what is in my mind and thoughts at the moment but my thoughts are about my relationship and I don't want to cause much problem by stating my thoughts in here.  There's also an attempt to write about something I consider taboo by most people.  Since I am here, there is no privacy at all.  The only privacy I can get is when I sit on the porcelain throne to do my 'business', if you know what I mean.  At night, I share a room, in the morning, my bedroom turns into office.  So there's no privacy at all.  I don't mind not having privacy at all, but sometimes I would like some, a little bit for myself.  

It would be insensitive for me to say, there's no privacy at all.  I do get a few minutes of privacy every now and again.  Then again, the things what I wanted to write is, taboo stuff.  I don't know if I should write these things down, thus, I have decided to put up a vote button if I should or should not write about taboo things, the things I wanted to write can make any man, woman and child blush!  LOL

So anyway, I suppose I will leave you to that, I'm up for a shower, I think the other room is done using the shower... Until then, take care boys and girls, Adios!

Post-edit:  As I climbed down the bunk bed to grab my towel to shower.  The fire alarm sounded, so as usual and as per procedure, we went to the mustering station, but the muster station was 'on fire', (it was a simulation), thus we had to go to the alternative mustering station on one of the bridges, at the complex.  I didn't bring my life jacket with me, but I was told there's no need,  what is important is to muster as quick and in orderly manner as possible.  We stood there for more than half an hour.  As soon as the simulation was complete, we went back into the mess room for a de-brief.  And soon after that, we all went back to our rooms and called it a night.  As for me, I did the outstanding shower that I need and retired...  What a night!


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