Commuter's Advice

After my morning drive today, I thought I wanted to add a few things in addition to my tips from my previous blog for commuters or commuters wannabe, I want to introduce to you to the few danger places of the commuters' road. This will help you in knowing your commuting road.

The Please Don't Overtake Zone

These are few places you should never ever (even attempt to) overtake (unless you're absolutely and definitely sure, even so, be very sure, even if you're already sure, guess you get the point!):
  • Convergence into single carriage lane after Telisai Ground Satellite until the bridge at Telisai Rentis (pipeline fabrication yard) after the Telisai Filling Station. These area have seen many deaths.  I think each year at least one or two or more fatalities in that area, so please don't, it's a logically wise thing to not do...
  • Tunggulian bridge area.  Pure blind spot, now you don't see, oh sh!t, now you do!
  • Approaching Brunei Methanol Plant site. Congestion all the time.  I think until they did the extension to the double carriage way, the congestion might subside, but I still think that place will still be a busy place with trucks going in and out that area.  So be careful if you do.
The Potholes Galore:
  • A huge pot hole on the right lane just by the traffic light at Penanjong Garrison (Post Edit: They've patch it up now).
  • Everywhere sparsely apart after the Telisai Rentis (pipeline fabrication) especially if you're coming back to the city, that road has been beaten badly by soil carrying trucks.  Seriously!
The Big Dipper:
  • After the dual carriage way, it comes to a single carriage way to Seria.  You will know where the huge dip is... it's like a journey in a turbulent plane
  • A dip after another... Along the dual carriage way between Bukit Beruang up to Serembangun and the traffic lights in Tutong.  They have surface, re-surface, re-surface, re-surface, resurface x 10...  But still that square hump just won't go away...  Surely our it needs a permanent solution.
  • Going to city direction, be careful when approaching near Bukit Beruang's U-Turn to Bandar.  There's a bad dipper there...
  • On the highway, to Bandar direction, near the junction going to Maraburong's Prison,  a naughty dipper seeks to tease.  You won't know until you pass it...  It's like a suprise party!
  • Nearly forgot about the high rise dipper at Badas...  Nasty, those are...
The Jingle-Jangle
  • I refer this as the bad surface roads.  The one I hate most is when you approach the Tutong Traffic light going to Belait.  There's the bad jiggle!
  • Telisai up to Tunggulian...  Dance away....
The Strip Tease
  • You know what they are...  The one that makes your tyres go "GEDUK-GEDUK-GEDUK" x 100 but it sounds faster and shakes your car and your whole body.
  • Both Traffic lights at Tutong have them
  • Along Telisai
  • Sungai Paku Area
  • Labi Junction Area
  • Near the rubbish collection tip along Liang 
  • At the dual carriage way to the U-Turn to Lumut Area
  • And the nasty one of all, at the junction to KB at the Sungai Teraban direction.  I think those strips are inches tall...
So there it is...  Things to look out for.  Unfortunately if you have no idea where these area are, I think, the authorities should re-evaluate your yellow smart ID again.  What's the point of being Bruneian, if you don't know your own country.  Oh yeah, most people prefer to be ignorant, purely because it doesn't involve them.  I forgot all about that.  But hey "siapa makan cili, terasa lah pedasnya kan?" (translation: Who eats chilli, will obviously taste hot, right?").

Not that I'm saying I know every nooks and crannies of Brunei but, I know the Brunei geography much better than the average person.  I think...  So anyway, that is a different story altogether.  So I hope you can benefit from my tips and tricks here.  Feel free to email me, or send me a comment for a clearer explanation.  I was hoping to take pictures of every bad and naughty roads that torment our commuters daily.  But I don't have that much time in my hand.  So until then.  Take care and Adios

Oh yes!  It's freaking weekend!  Have fun!  I know I will!


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