Haste Makes Waste

Hasty I was. And such a waste it turned out to be. I'm in the office in the weekend, I wanted to come here earlier to work, but my insurance agent called up for a quick meeting. Of course that didn't happen.

My insurance agent was asking me many personal question. My spending habits and such. What I pay for and how much. All these 'questioning' do end to a relevant point. Which is, in the end, how much would I like to pay for my insurance. But there were many nitty gritty details in between, I'm just cutting the story short.

She talked about PBD, Illness, Death and Retirement. God, it sounds so negative and morbid. PBD is Permanent Body Disability, she asked me "What will you do if somehow it happened to you? Who will pay for your debts? It could be your family, it is all about risk management, you see".

Much of what she said can be considered taboo and if someone was not open to this kind of conversation, one might be offended. We talked about disability, illness and oh, death, all agendas on the table has a morbid flow to it. It makes you feel like "We're gonna die! We're gonna die soon!". She asked me about my family. Oh-oh! Sensitive question. I just told her, "I'm not in good terms with my family". She keeps on going about, whatever the situation will be, I will definitely be a burden to my family if anything bad happens to me because I am still unmarried and all the family values about it. Penalise me for being unmarried! Argh! But still, I'm not buying it. (The family bit - not the insurance). Of course I don't want to cause problems to my family, and this is me trying not to cause any problems to my family. It is merely to cover myself. I am not in good terms with my family, but I wouldn't want to 'menyusahkan' (be a burden) anybody. No one at all. Let alone my family.

The ironic bit was, when she talked about death. "Well, since you're single, so let's not cover death because you're single and don't have anything to worry, I mean, your commitments like wife or children, so we won't talk about that". I was like, What? What? Just skip Death? I just smiled. It was funny for me. But yeah, what is it about being married. Is being married everything? Does life means to get yourself married? Is that what life means? Is that it? Leave me alone already with these married stuff! LOL

Then she talked about retirement, that "Survey althroughout the world has came a conclusion in that in general men live up to 85 years old and women up to 88 years old!". What? Men have 3 years shorter life span that women. Damn it! Well the sooner we go the better eh? Well up to you to decide on that. She talked about how much I would get after I retire. She talked about savings and real savings such as retirement plans and such... Oh it was depressing. In my mind at that point in time, was "okay, okay, get on with it already, I know what insurance is for, just let me pick out which one I want!" I was in a little rush, because I am supposed to arrive to the office at 4pm but the time was already 3.15pm, and I'm still in Bandar! After that, I told her what kind of package that I want and got the hell out of there. It was depressing, seriously depressing. So I drove to work without calling my contractor first. When I arrived, they already left at 4. D'OH! So I decide to go to the office and do some work and erm, blogging. I finally got my Proton Satria Neo a new road tax. Finally, one to-d0 list, crossed out.

Things to do:
  • Brother-in-law's road tax
  • Proton's road tax
  • Brother-in-law's car insurance
  • Proton's car insurance
  • Laundry
  • Upgrade Laptop
  • Update Laptop
  • Wash bro-in law's car
  • Service bro-in-law's car
  • .... and the list go on and on....

So anyway, one thing left to do... Enjoy my weekend while it lasts. Until then, Adios Amigos and Amigas!


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