Marvelous Monday

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*

That was the sound from my keyboard since almost 9am till now. Updating and now... completed... most of the work have been completed. Sent few emails around to few colleagues and bosses (including the colleague that I hate working with) and god, talk about being impatient! Gesh, wait till my boss reply the freaking email, will ya? I did as per told, and it wasn't easy... Gimme me a break (Kellaz, stop ranting!).

Talk of the town, yesterday's squall. It came from no where and *vumph* thunder, lightning, strong winds and rain. Signboards, camps and tents all flew. A colleague even saw a aluminium trash can flying above the road when he was about to pass by. Some fear it was the tail from Myanmar's cyclone, Nargis. But it did freak me and my housemate out. We close all external windows and doors like we're making a bomb shelter of our own. It was quite funny to think about it, the weird thing, Astro worked normally throughout. Usually we lose signal with a weather system that bad. But nope, I continued watching my Desperate Housewives Season 1 Mother's Day Marathon, that calmed me a bit... Eva Longaria is always a good antidote for everything... Ahhh...

The other talk of the office was, apparently someone near by where I live committed suicide by hanging himself on a lamp post. I find it hard to believe. I don't think so, but I might be wrong. Speaking of death, I also heard someone passed away after working out at a gym. The details are sketchy, but again believed to be true. I've heard some stories of people dying on football fields, while running and such, but never in a gym. Scary.

Speaking of gym, I just remembered. I'm not going today, why? Because I remembered my running shoes has done its miles and needed replacement. I feel sorry to throw it away, because I bought the shoes in KL a couple of years ago, and it did gave me plenty of miles running on it. It was loyal to me, but I'm afraid, it has to go. It was just a measly outdated Reebok, worn and torn. And I will miss it. But as all things are, out with the old, in with the new. So anybody out there want to recommend me new running shoes, (locally preferably)?

I wanted to get the Nike+ (since I have a iPod Nano already) when I was in Bangkok last year, but I didn't manage to get the design that I wanted (design aside, I also wanted something fit for my footprint pattern, sole support to match), they were either not my size or different design. I need good cushioned shoes due to my supinated footprint nature (curve outwardly) - especially my right foot. And I have a relatively shorter right leg. I've done few tests about my foot and leg, and I am prone to put more weight on my right foot than my left, thus in many of my pictures, I tend to lean on my right foot. Do you realise this? This is a good exercise to see what leg or foot which is dominant and highly likely be shorter than the other. Flip your pictures to see which way you mostly lean... Then you'd know! It's also time for me to dust off my Polar watch and straps.


At this point in my life, I think I want to create a routine in my life, to arrange myself properly.  I'm not saying my life is a mess, but it needs some re-organisation.  From my financial management to my life, work and time management.  I'm simply way to relaxed about the path of my life and the future looks a little way to sketchy and undefined.  There are plenty of things in my mind that confuses the hell out of me.  Truth is, in short, after work, I had a meeting with a financial planner.  It's not looking great.  I'm just getting by with what I have.  Darn it.  I hope eventually, things will get better.  Oh by the way, I am writing this part of the paragraph from DeFountain Cafe, and the earlier paragraph was when I was in the office earlier this morning.  Didn't get the chance to publish it, because I was a little swarmed with my routine updates.

This afternoon, after being stressed out due to my poor financial planning, I pushed myself to play netball and kick ass.  And kicked ass, I did.  I played pretty well and played fully out.  Then when I arrived home, my friends brought me out to Soto Babu at Sungai Akar.  I've never been there before and it was quite good.  A nice residential house turned Cafe, serving malay Bruneian food.  It went down well, I ate, fried rice with baby clams, soto, teh tarik and shared ambuyat amongst us.  Good food, good company, and now we're here.  Finishing up my blog.  So anyway, I'm kinda tired, so I'll just leave you to that...  till then, take care and Adios.


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