Fit as a Fiddle

That was the result of my medical check.  Happy as a clam I am.  (I just can't stop idiom-ing?) - ha ha...

I was a little bit nervous when  I went to the doctor tonight.  But before we made the visit, more interviews with the agent.  But tonight it was mostly directed towards my financial management.  This is to ensure that I am able to pay for my own retirement fund so that I won't be in difficulty paying them later in the future.  I guess that's kinda cool eh?  Imagine buying a car, and when you asked him/her about the monthly payment, he/she would say "how much would you like to pay for a month?" instead.  Something that fits your budget rather than paying for things at a fixed duration for a fixed amount of money.  I am ranting...  Ignore this bit...

So anyway, it was a little weird going to a private clinic for a medical check up as I am used with the government hospitals with their super-thorough and whole day check up (and queuing up).  The doctor was more or less thorough with his findings about my health.  So I suppose, it's a tick on my ticker (and health).  He did mention that taking into my parents' health background, that I should stop smoking.  My mum is diabetic and in the 80's, she had a mild stroke, my dad had a stroke and is apraxic. My smoking is work in progress.  Oh yes, speaking of health, I will be going to the gym for the first time in many many months.  I plan to explore my new gym whilst the rest of the world goes to work.  That's the beauty with my job, my weekends makes sense, and I get to utilise my days efficiently and effectively.  I did mention in my previous post, that having a split weekend is something I am used to, and until now, I  still don't get it.  Seriously.  I don't understand why we practise a split weekend, just because Friday is a holy day.  And a mistake about the Omanis.  Their weekends are Thursdays and Friday and they work on Saturday.  Saturday is their Monday.  I wanted to amend my previous post, but I just couldn't be bothered.  So I'll just correct that with this post - he he..  Hey it's the weekend, don't make me work!

Work oh yeah, that's another thing in progress.  I am going to work tomorrow to finish up my spreadsheet, this was what had happened this morning,  I have updated all of my spreadsheet this morning, only to realise that the spreadsheet that I have just updated was not the updated list.  There were more scopes of work that I missed out.  With my 'bionic' super spreadsheet eye, I managed to find many discrepancies between the many spreadsheets that I was working on.  So it was back to the drawing board.  But it's almost there.  Just a little tweak here and there, and voila...  results!  That will be a chance to hang out with my 'brother'/friend/colleague, Sulaiman and his family.  I miss hanging out with them.  They are the closest to my family.  My family.  A family I built with my own heart and soul and tears and joys.  They have been with me through thick and thin.  Unfortunately, unlike my real family, my flesh and blood.  Hmm, I don't want to talk about them...

So where am I right now?  As usual, at DeFountain with friends, some chatting on MSN, some reading blogs, me updating my blog, some checking their friendsters and facebook and what-not.  I just can't stop blogging at the moment.  I know it's all words, words, and more meaningless words from my thoughts, but it's therapeutic for me.  And I hope it opens up your mind with my endless ranting and rambling.  

So anyway,  it's weekend!  Enjoy Baby!  Yeah!  Adios Amigos!


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