Fake Sunday

I woke up at 10.30 am thinking that I woke up early for a Sunday. Then I remembered preparing stuff for work the night before. And "Sh!t, it's Monday!!" I scramble to the shower and when I finished, I looked at my mobile, there were a few messages in it. But that wasn't what I was interested in. I realised the clock on my mobile is actually 11.50 am... I thought, "oh no, I set the clock an hour late!" During my rushing morning ritual dance, I thought, "forget it!" I'm late as it is. So I took my time to get ready. I arrived at the office just when lunch time was about to end.

I dwell straight to business. Few emails going around, did my updates and what-not. And voila' I'm free to write my blog... Besides, it is after 4 pm already. Time to wind down for the day. I planned to run before my biweekly netball practise. I have to join the practise, because I have been nominated to join the Trimets Netball Tournament next weekend (on Sunday to be precise). That will be my first netball since, if my memory serves me right, 3-4 years ago. I'm half excited and half worried, my fitness is well under par at the moment. Which is why I'm going to do my run before I play. I brought my iPod Nano with me, my running shoes, my Polar chest strap and watch. I'm all set. I will absolutely die this evening. But this is my punishment to myself for lack of sports. Some one's gonna pay, and it's erm... me! Shuuucks!!!

So anyway, nothing significant today, work is as per usual and nothing new. Got a comment today about my photography, and I think I should get into portraiture next. Good idea, that is. Until then my dear readers, Adios!

Post Edit:  I went to the netball court today, they were drinks on the ground, but nobody was there, I waited for 15 minutes but no one turned up, so I thought, something could be wrong, and I went home instead to run.  But it was quite late the the weather looked a little iffy,  I was afraid it would rain.  And coincidentally I had a craving for tumpi (malay pancake).  So I made some for myself, my housemate and a friend.  So still, no exercise and more eating.  This is two step back all the way....  Sigh!


Anonymous said…
I'm glad you're you're thinking about my suggestion, venturing into portraiture that is. ( my apologies for my lack of vocabulary skills hehe- special photogrpahy????hahahah>>> portraiture.I definitely learnt something today from a " would be Brunei's famous photographer" or should I say Brunei's Nigel Barker in the making?hehe. Not a far fetched imagination if you keep working hard to capture best photos!!!
Anonymous said…
LOL - thanks for encouragement. But talk about pressure! LOL!!! Insyaallah, with a lot of help, I think I can, people may ask me why? But I can ask them why not? Right?
Anonymous said…
Right on target Kellaz! Well then, I shall be expecting more good shots from you soon. You're good at what you do.I know one when I see one, trust me :)

But what would really excite an avid fan of yours here hahaha is when you do a portraiture similar to THE TRINITY. Or even better, THE TRINITY MALE VERSION hahahahahaha HOTTTTTT!!!

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